The Challenge
TBS was contracted by Entergy to provide SUE Level B services along Chef Menteur Highway in New Orleans. Approximately sixty-five existing poles and their associated aerial lines were knocked down or damaged in tornadoes, and emergency repairs were required to restore service.

The Solution
Due to the nature of the work and the rapid response required, there was insufficient time available to perform thorough research of utility records. TBS crews mobilized within 24 hours to the project site, staked the coordinates for the new poles, and designated all utilities within a 15-foot radius of each pole. At many of the locations, one-call markings were either not present or had been wiped out by equipment and/or personnel working in the area, making pole placement difficult and potentially hazardous. TBS crews were able to identify potential conflicts in the field and, working closely with Entergy personnel, adjust the pole locations to avoid them.