We provide an array of regulatory compliance and natural science services at each step of the project lifecycle.

Providing Comprehensive Solutions to Your Projects
Navigating the ever-changing landscape of regulations can be daunting for any project. Clients need to stay ahead of these changes to ensure compliance and project success. TBS' environmental professionals are here to help—from initial conception, through planning and permitting, to eventual operation. Charged with helping clients meet environmental standards, our environmental group offers essential expertise in compliance, regulation, and permitting, ensuring projects proceed smoothly and in full compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.

TBS ranks in the top firms across the Gulf Coast in successfully obtaining U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permits for our clients. Whether the project is located in the Louisiana Coastal Zone, with permitting through the LDNR OCM, or in the USACE Galveston, Fort Worth, New Orleans, Vicksburg or Mobile Districts, TBS has the experience, reputation, and relationships to provide you and your project with cost-effective, safe, and reliable environmental services.
Minor Source Permitting & Exemption
Due Diligence and Compliance Audits
Emissions Inventories
TRI, GHG, NSPS, and NESHAPS Reporting
Cap and Trade Reporting
Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) – State & Federal
Leak & Repair Tracking, GIS Mapping of Leaks
Fugitive Monitoring Plans
Stack Testing
Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure Plans
Oil Transfer Manuals
Integrated Contingency Plans
Facility Response Plans
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
Wastewater Discharge Permits
Water Quality Monitoring & Testing
Discharge Monitoring Reports
Hazardous/Solid Waste Minimization Plans
Solid Waste Compliance & Permitting
Hazardous Material Compliance
SARA 313 (Form R) (TRI)
Tier II Chemical Inventory Reporting (SARA 312)
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Consultation and Process Support
Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments and Investigations
Environmental Justice Consultation
Permit to Drill
Saltwater Disposal Well Permitting
Work Permits
Process Flow Diagrams
Commingling Applications
Enhanced Oil Recovery Permitting
LACT Unit Permitting
Site Clearance
Wetland Delineation
Protected Species Surveys & Consultation
Oyster Resource Assessments
Benthic Mapping
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Surveys
Essential Fish Habitat Assessments
FERC Resource Reporting
USACE Sec. 10/404 Permitting
USACE Sec. 408 Authorizations
LDNR Coastal Use Permitting
Scenic Stream Assessment and Permitting
Mitigation Planning, Permitting, and Monitoring
Alternative Analysis/Needs Justification Preparation
Pump Station Monitoring
Leak & Repair Tracking, GIS Mapping of Leaks
LDAR Data Management
Project Specific Environmental Data Management
FAA Obstruction Permitting
NORM Surveys/Radiation Safety Officers
Land Use Planning/Master Planning
Landscape Architecture
U.S. DOT Regulatory Assistance
BOEM/BSEE Consultation
LSLO and TXGLO ROW Acquisition Consultation