Rapid wetland loss and the increased frequency of flooding threaten the existence of our coastal communities and culture.

Solutions for Survival
As industry leaders, TBS provides solutions that balance the need for coastal restoration and flood protection. Both strategies are vital to enhancing and securing coastal shorelines to protect the communities within them. This critical synergy is our “Solution for Survival.” Our project teams bring an urgency to these efforts with integrated project plans that are designed to expedite regulatory coordination and develop and restore ecosystems.
Flood Gates/Structures
Pump Stations
Forced Drainage Systems
Marsh Creation
Beach Nourishment
Freshwater Reintroduction
Marsh Terracing
Shoreline Protection
Topographic and Bathymetric Surveys
Coastal Boundary Surveys
Alternatives Analyses
Dock Draft Monitoring Surveys
Shoreline Protection and Coastal Structures
Dredging and BUDM for Marsh Restoration
Hydrodynamic Monitoring
Numerical Modeling
Wetland Delineations
Wildlife and Habitat Surveys
Regulatory Permitting
Bid Documents
Contractor Selection
Construction Management
Stakeout Surveying
Project Inspection