Forced Drainage Project 1-1A – Little Bayou Black Pump Station
Government, Local

The Challenge
Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District (TLCD) intended to construct approximately 110 acres of marsh platform to mitigate for the impacts from the Reach F portion of the Morganza to the Gulf Interim Flood Risk Reduction Project. Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government (TPCG) needed to improve drainage and reduce the risk of flooding in the 1-1A basin. This need turned into Phase 4 of the 1-1A Forced Drainage Project, which involved the installation of the Little Bayou Black Pump Station.

The Solution
TBS gathered all relevant historical data related to the project from TPCG and our own archives, and reviewed and analyzed the data to determine if the project’s requirements and goals could be met utilizing the existing parameters, giving consideration to the proposed structure location, right-of-way requirements, and environmental constraints. Due to the size and resources in the 1-1A watershed, TBS proposed the concept of an open/closed drainage system in order to preserve 8,900 acres of fresh marsh. The pump station includes a radial gate which allows Little Bayou Black to remain navigable during normal conditions and can close in order to pump down the watershed during a high water event.